Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, June 24, 2011

School's Out!

Ahhhhhhh, I need a margarita! I am done for the semester, done for the year, and done for the foreseeable future...and it feels great! I will miss my kiddos, especially my advisory class who was with me for the past three years, but I know that God has given me this wonderful opportunity to stay home with Aria right now. Being her mom is my most important job and I am so looking forward to actually getting to spend time with her now. I would be lying if I said the past 6 months were easy, because they were anything but! I cannot tell you how hard it was for me to spend my days away from her these past 6 months. I am eternally thankful that I won't have to do it again come September.

On a less serious note, Aria popped her first two teeth this week! They are the bottom front teeth. These were not bad, as I am unable to recall any teething "symptoms" recently. Let's hope the rest will be the same, and let the teething fun begin!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

9 Months Old and Off and Running...Almost

Aria has been crawling for about 3 weeks now, and she is cruising! She is starting to get adventurous, which means she is into everything. She has a special affinity for shoes, cords, remotes, and DVDs. However, I think we will lose our crawler and have a walker soon! She is pulling up on and walking around tables, chairs, mom, dad, and whoever else will stand still long enough.

Her new loves, food-wise, are peaches and kiwi. She is a huge fan and eats little chunks of them almost every day. We have started trying some new, chunkier, stage 3 foods to try and transition her into eating some more table food. This is a bit difficult, though, because she hasn't got any teeth (no sign of them coming anytime soon, either). So, for now we are sticking with purees, chunky purees, and soft fruits. She is so over puffs, too - not interested in the least.

Aria has started babbling a lot this past month! She says Ah-da-da and Ah-ba-ba all the time, but not yet in reference to anyone or anything. She is really getting her intonations and expressions down and it's really cute! She has also learned her name well, and also what "NO" means, ha, ha, ha. She is being a really good girl about stopping what she is doing when Mommy or Daddy says "no" to something. Unless, of course, its a shoe or a cord - apparently those items are just too irresistible to put down!

This summer, Aria will be taking a baby dance class, a sign language class, and hopefully swimming lessons through Long Beach Parks & Rec. We are thankful these opportunities exist for her. It should be a fun summer! Aria will also be going on her first plane ride next month to Kansas to visit Gabe's family for the first time. We are excited about this trip! Mommy is also a little worried about how she'll do on the plane ride, but she'll probably do just fine.

Aria is such a precious little bundle of joy and we are falling more and more in love with our happy, giggly, little girl!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Correction To The Previous Post

As of Sunday, May 29th, Aria is, indeed, CRAWLING!!! ...yikes...