Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Revolutionary War Days at Riley's Farm

In September, we got to go to Riley's Farm in Oak Glen for a Revolutionary War  reenactment day with our CC group. It was so well put together and the kids really enjoyed it and learned a lot! The were taught etiquette, laws and the processes of a court trial, weaving, butter and biscuit making, how to shoot a musket and advance on the enemy, as well as how to play a variety of period games, like hoop and stick. It was a beautiful and fun day!

August 2014

August marked the beginning of homeschooling for us, as well as gymnastics. Fun times! This is Aria on her first day of Classical Conversations, having lots of fun as you can see! 

Cuddles with grandma as she recovers from back surgery. 

Lots of fun beach days for these girls! They sure do love the beach! This is Ruby's on Balboa pier at sunset - gorgeous!

School days...

...and mischief making... 

...and sprinklers!

And LOTS of gymnastics which these two can't seem to get enough of!