Aria is two months old today! Time is going by so fast, and although we are loving watching her grow and change and develop new skills every day, I have to say that I already miss the sweet, tiny, little bundle we brought home from the hospital. Looking back at her newborn pictures makes me realize just how much she has grown and changed in just two short months! Please don't grow up too fast my sweet little girl!
Aria had her two-month check up with the doctor this week. She weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces and measured 22.25 inches long. This means that in two months she has gained almost 4 pounds and grown almost 3 inches! Amazing! She also started her immunizations - three shots and one oral - NOT fun for either of us. Poor baby, she was sad and super clingy for two days and had a fever as a result. I hate to think that we have to do this every two months for the next year or so.

Sleep my love and peace attend thee all through the night...
This is the song her swing plays during her morning naps. As you can see, Aria clearly enjoys her swing and her morning naps in it! She sleeps about 3 hours in her swing every morning.
Aria had her two-month check up with the doctor this week. She weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces and measured 22.25 inches long. This means that in two months she has gained almost 4 pounds and grown almost 3 inches! Amazing! She also started her immunizations - three shots and one oral - NOT fun for either of us. Poor baby, she was sad and super clingy for two days and had a fever as a result. I hate to think that we have to do this every two months for the next year or so.
Sleep my love and peace attend thee all through the night...
This is the song her swing plays during her morning naps. As you can see, Aria clearly enjoys her swing and her morning naps in it! She sleeps about 3 hours in her swing every morning.
Aria has started to enjoy sitting in her baby seat. We don't put her in it for very long because she is still working on head control, but she sure feels and looks like a big girl in her seat.
Ha, ha! I love this picture! Aria is so not a crier, but I had to get an "appropriate" picture of her in this onesie before she grew out of it. So, her "bad" mommy let her whine a little longer than usual when she was ready for her nap just so she could snap this picture...I know, I know, I'm gonna hear about this when she's older!
too adorable!