Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Christmas Time Is Here...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Two Months Old
Aria is two months old today! Time is going by so fast, and although we are loving watching her grow and change and develop new skills every day, I have to say that I already miss the sweet, tiny, little bundle we brought home from the hospital. Looking back at her newborn pictures makes me realize just how much she has grown and changed in just two short months! Please don't grow up too fast my sweet little girl!
Aria had her two-month check up with the doctor this week. She weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces and measured 22.25 inches long. This means that in two months she has gained almost 4 pounds and grown almost 3 inches! Amazing! She also started her immunizations - three shots and one oral - NOT fun for either of us. Poor baby, she was sad and super clingy for two days and had a fever as a result. I hate to think that we have to do this every two months for the next year or so.

Sleep my love and peace attend thee all through the night...
This is the song her swing plays during her morning naps. As you can see, Aria clearly enjoys her swing and her morning naps in it! She sleeps about 3 hours in her swing every morning.
Aria had her two-month check up with the doctor this week. She weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces and measured 22.25 inches long. This means that in two months she has gained almost 4 pounds and grown almost 3 inches! Amazing! She also started her immunizations - three shots and one oral - NOT fun for either of us. Poor baby, she was sad and super clingy for two days and had a fever as a result. I hate to think that we have to do this every two months for the next year or so.
Sleep my love and peace attend thee all through the night...
This is the song her swing plays during her morning naps. As you can see, Aria clearly enjoys her swing and her morning naps in it! She sleeps about 3 hours in her swing every morning.
Aria has started to enjoy sitting in her baby seat. We don't put her in it for very long because she is still working on head control, but she sure feels and looks like a big girl in her seat.
Ha, ha! I love this picture! Aria is so not a crier, but I had to get an "appropriate" picture of her in this onesie before she grew out of it. So, her "bad" mommy let her whine a little longer than usual when she was ready for her nap just so she could snap this picture...I know, I know, I'm gonna hear about this when she's older!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tyler Webster, 8 weeks, and Aria Brent, 7 weeks, take a picture with Santa for the cutest baby contest

Tyler Webster, 8 weeks, and Aria Brent, 7 weeks, take a picture with Santa for the cutest baby contest : News Photo
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
7 Weeks Old
Aria is seven weeks old today! I can't believe how quickly time has passed and how quickly she is growing. She just passed the 10 pound mark and is steadily gaining weight thanks to her hearty appetite. We just love her squishy cheeks and thighs! She is starting to smile at us a lot now, and she is trying to figure out how to laugh (she's been laughing in her sleep for some time now, just not when she's awake!). She is absolutely ticklish and especially loves it when Daddy uses his funny voices to do "tickles in your pickles!" She is making lots of cute faces, cooing, and beginning to babble a bit. She tries to keep herself awake when she's tired by "talking". She is still not amused in the slightest by being posed or having her picture taken (as evidenced in the first picture below). Aria still loves baths, clean diapers, her swing, going for walks, facing forward in the front-pack, and going for rides in the car (but she doesn't like stopping at the stop lights!). We are so, so blessed by our sweet little girl and seriously cannot get enough of her! Mommy and Daddy aren't fighting as much over who GETS to change her diaper, feed her, or hold her, which is good. We are learning to share her, now, so we can teach her how to share when she's a little bit older! Love, love, LOVE this girl!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
5 Weeks Old...
Aria is 5 weeks old and pushing 9 pounds...NINE POUNDS!!! She is now too long for most of her newborn sleepers. I can't believe it (but my back can)! She is "chunkin' out" - still a great eater and sleeper. She loves going for walks, especially when she's in the front pack and can look around (for the first 5-10 minutes, then she falls asleep). She also likes her swing and going for car rides (usually). She is mesmerized by her little pink dog and by the berry wreath hanging on the wall over our couch. Her favorite place to sleep is on Mommy or Daddy's chest. She is starting to give us some smiles which we all are in love with, of course!
Tummy Time...I'm not too fond of it yet, but I usually put up with it for 10 to 15 minutes.
Grammy and "her" babies. And, by the way, Nikki is SO good with Aria! She sniffs her then gently kisses her head. It's so sweet!
Knocked out on the couch...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
1 Month Old!!!
Aria is one month old today! She weighs almost 8 pounds and is almost 21 inches long - she is growing so fast! I noticed today that some of her newborn clothes are already a bit snug on her, so we are going to have to pull out the 0-3 month items. I have to admit, her growing so fast makes me a bit emotional. I am really excited to be able to play with her and see her little personality develop and come out, but I also kind of want her to stay little forever!
I am Jesus' little lamb
Grammy bought me this cute little dress last week, but I am already too big for it!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
3 Weeks Old
Aria is three weeks old today and, boy, does she like to eat and sleep! She's become quite the big eater and she likes to "talk" through her meal - lots of cute little noises! She also smiles when she is done and satisfied and pretty much asleep. It is the cutest thing and just melts my heart! She is also a great sleeper. We're not yet on any kind of a schedule, so Aria pretty much sleeps when she's tired, which is usually after every meal.
My hand in Mommy's
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Two Weeks Old
Our little sweetie is two weeks old! At her recent doctor's appointment she had gained back her birth weight (actually surpassed it!) and grown half an inch! She is a great eater and a great sleeper (though we're still working on getting our days and nights straightened out) and just generally a great baby. She is not much of a crier but she is a talker (must take after her Mama)! Even though we are exhausted, we are enjoying her more and more everyday.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Introducing...Aria Elizabeth Brent
She's here!
Monday night, September 20th, I started having contractions around 10:45 pm. They weren't very bad, like mild cramps at most, but they were running 1 to 3 minutes apart. Gabe kept track of them and I worked on folding laundry. Around midnight I decided to go to bed in case they picked up during the night. I didn't want to go to the hospital without getting any sleep. Well, baby girl had other plans! My water broke at 12:30 am - 30 minutes after I had gone to bed, so needless to say I didn't get any sleep! We packed up, headed to the hospital, and checked in around 1:30 am. The contractions were pretty much the same as they had been at home - nothing too intense - until about 3:30 am. THEN they got bad! I lasted until about 4:30 am, at which point I asked for an epidural because I felt like I could barely breathe through them. The nurse went to get the anesthesiologist and returned about 15 minutes later to tell me he was on his way. The next contraction I told her I felt like I needed to push, but she said I was only at 7cm when she checked me before she left to get the anesthesiologist, so I probably wasn't ready. She checked me again anyway and I was at 10cm! So she ran to get the doctor. Aria Elizabeth Brent arrived at 5:18 am. She weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Oh, and I never got the epidural...there was no time! Having this precious baby girl was the most painfully wonderful thing I think I've ever done. She is such a sweet, precious little girl and we love her so much!
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