Dear Aria,
You are 4 months old today! Daddy and I can hardly believe how fast these 4 months have flown by.
You have more than doubled your weight and have grown close to 5 inches in length since you were born - amazing! You rolled over for the first time last weekend, just one week shy of your 4 month birthday. You are grabbing at and holding your toys and putting anything and everything in your mouth. I'm pretty sure you are beginning to teethe, even though I can't see any pearly whites yet, because you are chewing on everything! We love you more than ever and you brighten our every day with belly laughs and sweet smiles.
Daddy loves to dance with you and tickle you and eat "your neck" - all of which you find hilarious. No one can make you laugh like Daddy can!
I love to sit and talk with you. You are quite the conversationalist already! You will coo and ahh in long ramblings with such a range of faces that I'm sure you're telling quite the story. I can't wait until I can actually understand it all. :o)
You are such a sweet girl and we simply cannot get enough of you!
Some of your current favorites are:
...getting your diaper changed (or just being naked, really)
...kicking and splashing in your bath (I've taken to wearing an apron when I bathe you because you literally soak me every time)
...going for walks outside in the stroller (but only if you're facing forward)
...TV!!! This is a tough one - you are such a TV junkie! We really can't have it on much while you're awake or you will figure out a way to watch it. In fact, this is the reason you first rolled over - so you could see the TV - you are SO your Daddy's child!
Some of your current dislikes are:
...being rocked and/or cuddled (unless you are REALLY tired and almost asleep). You prefer to be put in your bed with your paci and left in peace to drift off on your own.
...being burped in the middle of a bottle, before you're finished eating
...rice cereal, ha ha, I have tried to give you rice cereal three times now, but so far, you are just not having it! I guess you'll let me know when you're ready for it, so for now we're just sticking to milk. You're pretty happy about that.
...losing your paci in the middle of the night. Actually, this is one of Mommy's dislikes too! :o)
Sweet girl, we are so, so blessed by you! God gave us such an amazing gift when He gave you to us.